Pro Bono

EE BAR Pro Bono Program:

  • The EEBAR Pro Bono Program coordinates the EEBAR members who volunteer to help low-income people with non-criminal legal problems and needs. EEBAR Pro Bono Program is a private, non-profit operated through, and supported by, the Eastern European Bar Association.Types of Legal Problems/Issues that EEBAR Pro Bono Program can help you:
    • Divorce
    • Domestic Violence
    • Evictions
    • Chapter 7 Personal Bankruptcies
    • Debt Collection
    • Wills and Probate
    • Contracts
    • Discrimination in employment and housing

    The EEBAR Pro Bono Program’s volunteers speak a variety of Eastern European languages, with concentration on Russian and Ukrainian.

    The EEBAR Pro Bono Program reviews all applications it receives to see if requests fit its mission and capacity to help. If we accept a case, there is no guarantee of an attorney referral as the Program relies on the donated services of unpaid volunteers.

    How to apply for assistance:

    Contact the EEBAR Pro Bono Program: